Adult Ministries
Adult Sunday School classes meet Sunday mornings between worship services in the Family Life Center. Class begins at 9:45 AM and ends at 10:40 AM. Below are the classes that are currently meeting. Please contact the church office for more information, or if you are interested in starting a new Sunday School class. All adult Sunday school classrooms are I the Family Life Center (FLC).
Open Door Class – Room 107
Study Format: Discussion based
Average attendance:  8-10

Bill Theiss Fellowship Class – Room 109
Study Format:  Traditional teaching & discussion
Average attendance: 15-19 

Adult Bible Class – Room 110
Study Format: Reads and discuss the Bible, assisted by a study guide emailed
Average Attendance:  15-20 people
Upper Room – Room 201
Study Format:  Presentation & Discussion
Average attendance:  24

New Horizons – Room 203
Study Format: Video based lesson
Average attendance:  8-10

Servants Hands  – Room 208
Study Format:  Teacher/discussion
Average Attendance: 10
Awakening – Room 204/205
Study Format:  Work through the Scriptures – Lesson based with discussion
Average attendance:  40-45
Discipleship Groups call us into a deeper relationship with one another and with God. If you’re interested in meeting with a group of like-minded believers in order to know Jesus and one another better, then consider joining a Discipleship Group.
Discipleship Groups are made up of a small group of people who commit to read together, pray together and meet together with the expectation that they will share in God’s love together. These small but intentional communities are primed to experience the Lord’s presence and power in new ways. The concept goes back to the very beginnings of the Methodist movement. We use the term “band” as a noun to refer to a group, but it’s more easily understood as a verb. In other words, it’s a group that bands together, meeting regularly to seek Christ together.
If you’re interested in joining a Discipleship Band or if you would like more information, please contact the church office.
We offer multiple bible studies on Wednesday evenings, throughout the school year. We meet regularly when school is in session, taking a break around Thanksgiving, Christmas, spring break and summer break. The classes are designed to be fruitful, whether you attend every week or not. All adults are welcome.
Please consider volunteering and sharing your talents with the church. There are many ever-changing opportunities to be in ministry with other men and women of the church. Our staff is working harder than ever and we can always use your help. All are welcome! Contact the church office for information on what’s happening or to discuss a ministry you’d like to start.