Creation Kids is a place where kids grow strong in the Spirit of the Lord! We offer many ways to help children grow in their faith, from Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, to our community outreach events like VBS, Trunk or Treat, and Praise Hunt in the Park. We want children to know who God is and who they are in Him!

Sunday Mornings
Children’s Church and Godly Play are available for children three years old and up during the 8:30 and 11 AM worship services. Staff and Ministry Safe volunteers will lead the children from worship in the Fellowship Hall of the main building. Of course, children are always welcome to stay and worship with their parents. We also offer nursery and early childhood care (infant through pre-k only) during our Sunday morning worship services. If you have any questions, please contact Keelee Allen at keeleea@fumcmidlo.org. Thank you!
Click on the images for more information. For questions regarding the children’s ministry, please contact the Children’s Minister, Keelee Allen. Like our Facebook page for updates and pictures!
Creation Kids Programs
Godly Play
During the school year, children ages 3 through 5th grade are welcome to participate in Godly Play during all in-person worship services. Godly Play is a Montessori style method of telling Bible stories, developed by Jerome Berryman; using parables, sacred stories and liturgical lessons about religious traditions through simple materials. It invites the listener to connect faith stories with personal experience through wondering questions and open-ended response. Godly Play can help you see and do things differently. It creates a sacred safe space to allow children to wonder about the mystery of God and nurtures the community of children by promoting Biblical knowledge, empathy, spiritual growth; providing a multi-sensory approach to learning; developing language and communication skills; encouraging thinking skills; and has depth and reflection in every session. Read more about a typical Godly Play session here.
Children’s Church
During the summer, children ages 3 through 5th grade are welcome to participate in Children’s Church during FMC worship services. Children’s Church is a place for children to come together to worship in an environment created just for them. Children are welcome to participate in any of our worship services as well as Children’s Church.
Sunday School
Sunday School is from 9:45 to 10:35 (between the worship services) for children ages 3 and up. All children’s classes are located in the main building. Our preschool classrooms use Hands-On Bible curriculum that teaches them in fun, tangible ways. Our K-5th grade Sunday school is a rotation based model where the kids learn through art, computers, cooking, drama, games and music, science, and video. During the summer we have a large group format to focus on bible skills.
Wednesday Nights
Join us Wednesday nights throughout the school year, as we study, sing, eat, worship and fellowship together! Children’s Choir rehearses from 5-5:45 PM. Families are invited to come together for a simple, catered meal and dessert from 5:30-6:15 PM in the Family Life Center. Meals are $8 per adult, kids and youth eat free. After dinner, kids (through 5th grade) are invited to KidsClub, from 6:30-7:30 PM.
Discover Grace
Discover Grace is a worship experience focused on opening our hearts and minds to discovering God’s grace together. This is a new way of being church, particularly for families, but open and welcoming for everyone. Families will enjoy being together, making things, eating and celebrating God together through His Word, music, and prayer. With Discover Grace, we are creating a community of all ages, centered on Christ, showing Christian hospitality. Let’s express their creativity, sit down together for a meal and to have fun in the church! Click on Discover Grace and visit our website for more information. Discover Grace

Partnering with families is important to us, so we are offering the best resources to equip you on your parenting journey! Check our our list of family resources.