Wednesday Activities
Wednesday activities return January 17! Join us as we study, sing, eat, worship and fellowship together!
(SB denotes Sanctuary Building, FLC denote Family Life Center)
Pastor April’s Bible Study
“1st Corinthians: Searching the Depths of God”
4:30-5:45, Sanctuary
Children’s Choir
5-5:45, SB 301
Led by Laurie Duke
Wednesday Meal
5:30-6:15, FLC
Led by Andrea Newsom
Men’s Bible Study
“Discovery Bible Study”
6:30-7:30, FLC 108
Led by Pastor Brady & Jason Westbrook
Women’s Bible Study
“Discovery Bible Study”
6:30-7:30, FLC 201
Led by Raquel Westbrook
(through 5th grade)
6:30-7:30, SB: Fellowship Hall, Nursery, 202 & 205
Led by Keelee Allen
Adult Choir
6:30-8, MB 301
Led by Laurie Duke
Student Ministries
(6th-12th grade)
6:30-8, FLC Youth Hall
Led by Josh Snodgrass
DivorceCare & DC4K
6:30-8 PM, Starting February 14
FLC 201 (DC4K) & 203 (DC)
Led by Steve & Monica Wilson