Wednesday Activities
Join us as we study, sing, eat, worship and fellowship together!
(SB denotes Sanctuary Building, FLC denote Family Life Center)
Pastor April’s Bible Study
“1st Corinthians: Searching the Depths of God”
4:30-5:45, Sanctuary
Children’s Choir
5-5:45, SB 301
Led by Laurie Duke
Wednesday Meal
5:30-6:15, FLC
Led by Andrea Newsom
Men’s Bible Study
“Discovery Bible Study”
6:30-7:30, FLC 108
Led by Pastor Brady & Jason Westbrook
Women’s Bible Study
“Discovery Bible Study”
6:30-7:30, FLC 201
Led by Raquel Westbrook
(through 5th grade)
6:30-7:30, SB: Fellowship Hall, Nursery, 202 & 205
Led by Keelee Allen
Adult Choir
6:30-8, MB 301
Led by Laurie Duke
Student Ministries
(6th-12th grade)
6:30-8, FLC Youth Hall
Led by Josh Snodgrass
DivorceCare & DC4K
6:30-8 PM, Starting February 14
FLC 201 (DC4K) & 203 (DC)
Led by Steve & Monica Wilson